It turns out I do have an obsession after all!
There is another forum that I participate actively in (whenever time allows!) and that is I used to read all the threads and stuff but now it’s so huge that I spend most of my time catching up with friends, with CJs or sending PIFs. I love getting and sending PIFs. Sometimes I have been disappointed, of course, but generally I get a little something that is really useful, cute or unique. Whenever people list their items to PIF I peruse the list like a dieter reading a dessert menu – looking for that little bit that will be just the right temptation. In order to be ready to participate in these PIFs I generally have to carry around a list of suitable items to pass on (as I generally log on from work but of course have all the stash at home). So a few evenings ago I sat down and went through my stash, finding things that I no longer have the use for and are suitable for PIFs. This exercise made me realize something I didn’t really know about my stash – I love m...