Rose tinted memories - or are they black and white?
I know many scrappers do it because of the artistry and craftmanship of it all, but I would guess that most do it because of the memory keeping. I am definitely one of the latter ones (but of course enjoy the artistic side too!) and have recently been thinking about WHAT memories I'm saving for posterity. My little boy is covered in awful spots at the moment, from his chickenpox. I can't bear to touch him for fear of hurting him and taking his clothes off for a diaper change almost brings tears to my eyes as he is so swollen and red. I have taken a couple of photos and will most likely scrap them in some lighthearted way because I don't think I need a trigger to help me remember how truly heartbreaking it is to see him as he looks right now. (For the record, he doesn't seem to care! He is quite happy and doesn't seem to be in any pain.) So this means I'm "editing" my memories somehow - turning what is painful into something a bit more crowd pleasing. C...