Could Milton Keynes be Disney World's long lost twin?

I live in Milton Keynes . For a while, I also lived in Walt Disney World (yeah, really ). I know these places inside out, backwards and forwards and can therefore say with some authority that they are twin towns . Let me present some evidence: Milton Keynes was officially designated a new town in January of 1967, placed in the middle of England and with lofty ideals of modernist town planning in mind. A month later, a press conference was held in Winter Park, Florida that would announce to the world the creation of an “Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow” in central Florida. In this conference the now-famous film of Walt describing his beloved Epcot was first shown publically. As both towns were being built – out of nothing – more similarities emerged. Both towns have their fair share of manmade lakes and parks, as well as roads and other infrastructure required. New technologies were extensively used in the construction and both are glowing examples of the New Urbanism move...