What is your 2010 resolution?

A couple of years ago I made a New Year’s resolution that I actually stuck to . That statement is so rare, so amazing that I am going to write it again: I made a New Year’s resolution that I actually stuck to . How many people can say that? In fact, to this day this remains my ONE resolution that I even remembered a few months down the line, never mind actually stuck to. I am thinking about this as I think about resolutions for this year. Last year I was too busy trying to remain graceful about being 9 months pregnant so resolutions and all that stuff kinda passed me by. Then the baby came and my resolution was probably to survive life with a newborn without resorting to alcohol. So this year I should make a resolution and I’m going with what worked for me. My resolution for 2010 is to log a total of 1000 km running. It sounds like a lot but I should be able to do it as I’m signing up for another one of those life-changing long distance races. I will be attempting to (m...