What is your 2010 resolution?

That statement is so rare, so amazing that I am going to write it again: I made a New Year’s resolution that I actually stuck to.
How many people can say that? In fact, to this day this remains my ONE resolution that I even remembered a few months down the line, never mind actually stuck to.
I am thinking about this as I think about resolutions for this year. Last year I was too busy trying to remain graceful about being 9 months pregnant so resolutions and all that stuff kinda passed me by. Then the baby came and my resolution was probably to survive life with a newborn without resorting to alcohol. So this year I should make a resolution and I’m going with what worked for me.
My resolution for 2010 is to log a total of 1000 km running. It sounds like a lot but I should be able to do it as I’m signing up for another one of those life-changing long distance races. I will be attempting to (mainly) run the Disneyland Half Marathon in September 2010.
I must admit that the training, as such, hasn’t started yet. I plan to start gently – after all, I have 9 months to get ready – but I will start soon. Time hasn’t been on my side during the past holidays and not only have I not run since September, I barely exercised these last couple of weeks. So this is a good kickstart to the routine and a way to keep the focus on the goal.
My last half marathon experience was atrocious and it remains the worst race I have ever done but I DID complete it and with a time that I am now aiming to beat. (3:08 if you must know). It would be nice to be able to complete the Disneyland Half sub-3 hours but we’ll see how things go as training progresses.
This coming weekend is the fantastic WDW marathon weekend and I really, really wish I could be there. There were numerous factors that meant I simply couldn’t do this race (time to train while caring for a baby is one, cost of transatlantic flights was another) but that won’t stop me from being moody all weekend. My mind will be over in
Hopefully this will be another New Year’s resolution that I will stick to and remember in the years to come.