
Showing posts from 2011

Tweetcloud Aug-Oct

Very cool cloud of my previous 200 tweets... thanks to Tweetcloud !

100 things about me

 A few months ago a very popular meme was making the rounds on Twitter, where people were telling us a few interesting things about themselves and everything had the hashtag #100thingsaboutme . I liked the idea but thought that actually, Twitter was not the right place for me to publish a list like that, so I decided to write a blog post instead. This way I could elaborate on some of the more interesting items, while keeping the 100 things all together. So I started writing a list. I got to 50 pretty quickly but then things slowed down. Turns out, it is actually quite hard to write 100 interesting things about me! But I persevered and whenever I would think of something for the list, I'd add it so that gradually my list grew. It did take a few months though and that is my excuse reason for not having updated the blog in a while! Here is the list. You will notice that I haven't actually included 100 things about me, but am a few short. This is because I know that someone w...

My journey to the Olympics begins

On 15 September 2010 not only was I getting ready to celebrate Mexican Independence Day but I also submitted my application to be considered a volunteer for the 2012 London Olympics. It was a long application, which actually took me a few days to complete, and I had to provide quite a lot of detail on myself, my skills, my interests, my strengths and of course my personal details. It was pretty complicated and I had to keep finding out stuff like my passport number and so on.   Ever since that day when London was announced as the venue for the 2012 Olympics I knew that I had to try my hardest to be a part of the event, somehow. Being a volunteer (or Games Maker as they are known) was the most obvious choice so I made sure my application was as thorough and detailed as I could make it. I finally submitted it on that September day and crossed my fingers that it would be good enough to get me an interview. It was a long wait but finally I got the news I was hoping to get in Ma...

Is there anything good about the colder weather?

There is a definite chill in the air: a change of season is upon us and fall is on its way to be followed by dreary winter and months of cold, dark and rain. I rarely welcome the coming of fall because it means that the weather gets colder and colder, something that I definitely don’t enjoy. But instead of whining about how I hate the cold, how I miss the sun and how I can’t bear to have to dress like an eskimo, I am going to try a different approach. I need to focus on the positive side of this colder weather, so for example things like these: October moons Admittedly, this one is short lived but it is an awesome and spectacular sight: there are fewer sights as beautiful as the sight of the full moon in October. I’m sure there is a perfectly sound reason for this amazing sight but it doesn’t make it any less spectacular. Harvest vegetables The fall is also the time of year when one can find the tastiest, yummiest vegetables which also happen to be my favorites: sweet potatos, buttern...

London, the Brand

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time in London. (No, this isn’t my excuse for not updating my blog in a while. Well… maybe it is) Although I don’t live in London, I’m close enough to go there frequently. I do find myself there very often because of work, but I also like to go there to play. The more time I spend there the more I realize that perhaps I should be an honorary Londoner. One thing that really fascinates me about London is about how it appears to have a Brand. Somehow the brand revolves around buses and the Tube, both forms of transport. Well, there are also red telephone boxes and the Queen’s Guard but for now let’s focus on the Tube . Not only is the signage for the tube almost universally recognized as a London icon, but so is the famous tube map by Harry Beck . Not to mention the gorgeous underground posters and the phrase: “ Mind the Gap ”. I can’t think of many other cities in the world that are defined by their transport, and defined so well, following the prin...

Word cloud (again...)

I haven't done one of these for a while ... It's interesting how the focus of the words has changed quite a bit from the previous time. 'One' is now my biggest word! created in Wordle

Japan person finder

In case you need to find someone in Japan or have information about someone: My thoughts are with the gentle people of Japan and all other Pacific Rim countries in these scary times...

PhotoFit me

This is very cool!! Let me know what you think...

Music - the great motivator!

­Few things motivate my workouts more than kick-ass music. It seriously is the difference between an ok workout and an awesome one and I have been known to cut runs short if my music suddenly dies on me! So making playlists for my workouts has become something of a necessity – I even have a playlist just for races! My playlists are very, very long and sometimes I include tracks that don’t always work out as well as I thought they would so there is a lot of editing to do, to save me from having to find the NEXT button on my MP2 player. I am always trying out new things but I do have a bunch of tracks that are my reliable ones and any workout playlist will include all of these. So, in no particular order: My life would suck without you I have two versions of this song (Kelly’s and Glee) and they are both awesome, with a great beat that perfectly matches my comfortable running pace. Telephone I have a bunch of Lady Gaga’s songs in my workout playlists but this one is my fave...