100 things about me
A few months ago a very popular meme was making the rounds on Twitter, where people were telling us a few interesting things about themselves and everything had the hashtag #100thingsaboutme. I liked the idea but thought that actually, Twitter was not the right place for me to publish a list like that, so I decided to write a blog post instead. This way I could elaborate on some of the more interesting items, while keeping the 100 things all together.
So I started writing a list. I got to 50 pretty quickly but then things slowed down. Turns out, it is actually quite hard to write 100 interesting things about me! But I persevered and whenever I would think of something for the list, I'd add it so that gradually my list grew. It did take a few months though and that is myexcuse reason for not having updated the blog in a while!
Here is the list. You will notice that I haven't actually included 100 things about me, but am a few short. This is because I know that someone will read the list below and think of something about me that is pretty interesting but that I have somehow forgotten... so if this is you, send me your suggestions.
Over the next few months I will be ellaborating on some of these things - and have included links below on the things I have actually already discussed in the blog before. Hope you find something interesting in this very, very indulgent project!
So I started writing a list. I got to 50 pretty quickly but then things slowed down. Turns out, it is actually quite hard to write 100 interesting things about me! But I persevered and whenever I would think of something for the list, I'd add it so that gradually my list grew. It did take a few months though and that is my
Here is the list. You will notice that I haven't actually included 100 things about me, but am a few short. This is because I know that someone will read the list below and think of something about me that is pretty interesting but that I have somehow forgotten... so if this is you, send me your suggestions.
Over the next few months I will be ellaborating on some of these things - and have included links below on the things I have actually already discussed in the blog before. Hope you find something interesting in this very, very indulgent project!
- My favourite fruit is watermelon
- Cheese is my weakness
- I once had 6 fingers in one hand
- I think Kate Winslet has the best boobs
- I’ve never been a bridesmaid
- I have completed a marathon
- … and a few half marathons
- It takes me a while to focus on something
- I’m pretty lazy
- I love sleeping
- If I could, I would Zumba every day
- Billy Joel rocks
- I wanted to be a journalist when I was little
- I am neither a morning nor an evening person
- The music from Soarin’ is my favorite on any Disney attraction
- I prefer dark chocolate to milk
- I love the taste of fired clay
- For a couple of years I had blue eyes
- I would love to be able to sing
- There aren’t enough days in the year to wear all my clothes
- I prefer non-fiction to fiction
- My hair is my strength
- I can count from 1 to 10 in Japanese
- Someday I will write a book
- I love musicals – proper ones
- I love astronomy
- I wish I could speak a third language
- Fruit isn’t dessert
- There is no way I will wash up without gloves on
- I can’t always remember what language I dreamt in
- I loved school
- When I’m dancing, I’m happy
- I’m not a baby person
- Mickey Mouse is my absolutely favourite Disney character
- I hate being late
- Reading is my passion
- I love Disney songs
- I don’t always forget work when I’m not AT work
- Data can be so exciting
- I have pretty feet
- I have zero patience
- Monterrey will always be my home
- I am terrible at drawing
- Life without music is not life
- I’m allergic to shellfish
- Disney commercials on TV make me cry
- I’m a big city girl at heart
- Wish I had freckles and blue eyes
- I am very, very tidy
- …But I hate cleaning
- Apollo 13 is one of my favourite movies
- Favorite food: pizza!
- I love to buy blank notebooks for some reason
- I am not a dog person at all
- I know all the words in “The Princess Bride” by heart
- Talk radio really, really distracts me
- I am obsessed with Starbucks Caramel Frapuccinos
- I don’t like talking on the phone
- If I could, I’d go back to Tokyo in a flash
- I have been to every continent at least once except for South America
- London is my spiritual home
- I love driving alone
- I will never get a tattoo
- There never is enough time for cooking
- I run (and zumba) in skirts
- My left knee is my weakest
- I love baseball
- My hair is naturally wavy – not straight or curly
- I think girls should never wear football shirts
- I judge fat people
- Men look much better in winter than in summer clothes
- I love curry but hate hot food
- Gentlemen should open doors for us – and we should let them
- I really miss heat and sun
- What I miss most about Mexico: friends, food, fun
- I actually like airline food
- When I was young I read whole encyclopaedias
- I can’t stand Bryan Adams or Tom Cruise
- The older I get, the more high maintenance I get
- I hate bra straps showing
- If I could live in one place in the Star Wars universe, it would be Cloud City
- My prescription is so high, without my contacts I can’t see to the end of my arm
- I used to do horoscopes for people, now I’m not sure I believe in all that stuff
- Poor grammar and punctuation irk me
- I don’t like fish but I do like sushi
- I love being a girl
- My favorite color is purple
- I can recite most of the periodic table of elements
- I know the names for clouds
- I don’t own any apple products
- I have never seen a single episode of Eastenders or Coronation Street…
- …or Dr Who
- I used to bite my fingernails
- I have had lessons in Hawaiian dance
- For some reason I find it easy to remember car license plate numbers