In the last few weeks the miracle continued: I've been able to eat most meals, most things. I've been able to join the family again for mealtimes and go out with friends for food. I've cooked some nice meals and then was able to enjoy the fruits of my hard work. Over my birthday weekend, I was able to eat cake, have a few drinks and feel pretty normal. Starbucks have once again seen me darken their doorstep and I've been able to enjoy some nice drinks (and get back on track with my Gold status). Mealtimes are no longer something I dread or that make me anxious - I can now sit down and enjoy food like most people do. In short: things are fairly back to normal. I still think that my stomach has shrunk and most of the time I'm having much smaller portions than I used to but this is probably a good thing. I'm sure I was having large portions before so it's not a bad idea to reduce those! I also struggle with some very specific textures but they are mostly in f...