WDW trip planning - the final countdown!

In a few days, I will finally get on that flight and land in WDW - and I can hardly wait! By now, all my prep has been done: I've even started packing. The lists that I've been compiling for months have come in handy and everything has gone smoothly so far. I've also continued with my daily walks (although I've missed a few due to some very rainy days) but I do wonder if I should do as marathoners do and "taper" for a few days before the big race. Give my legs a break, that sort of thing... On this trip, I will be doing a few things that I've never done in WDW before, like tour planning . I am quite curious to see how it all goes in reality if all the planning and data that I have available really does make a difference to my trip. So far, tour planning has been quite a fun activity but of course, the real test is out there, on the field as it were. I'll let you know. I'm also doing a ticketed park event for the first time and while I was very scep...