"Meet the Reader"...
I have been a subscriber to Scrapbook Inspirations since it launched and while I think the magazine is not as good as others, I still subscribe and read every issue I get.
In terms of actual scrapbooking inspiration, well I don’t actually get that many great ideas from the magazine (so much for the title!) but there is one little section that I always read and enjoy. It’s called “Meet the Reader” and it features questions and answers to one of the magazine’s readers. I don’t know how they are chosen and I would love to be in this section. However, I think my chances are slim so as a complete indulgence – and because this is MY blog – I am going to make my own “Meet the Reader” slot right here!
How long have you been scrapbooking?
I actually don’t remember ever starting to scrapbook so in a way I have always done it. I remember way back in the early 90s I started purchasing some supplies specifically designed for scrapbooking and I also remember when paper piecing was THE big thing. So yes, I’ve been doing it forever. And I have the layouts to prove it - in over 25 albums!
What’s your most frequent scrap subject?
My son Samuel, but he is quickly being overtaken by his baby sister Jessica! I also scrap a lot of our holidays and days out.
How much time do you get to scrap?
Not as much as I’d like. I used to do it two or three evenings a week but when I started running I just couldn’t keep up this schedule. Also, the arrival of a baby didn’t help so these days I’m lucky if I get an evening a week. I work full time so evenings are the only available time for me. This means that I have to be an efficient scrapper so that I can make the most of my time. This means I keep my layout simple, use lots of photos and journaling and don't dwell on the little decisions - stick it down and on to the next one!
Do you do any sociable scrapping?
Oh yes! We have an all-day Sunday crop once a month and also meet one evening during the week, also once a month. We also have a retreat once a year when we do nothing but scrap all weekend, away from home and it’s coming up very soon so I can’t wait...
What camera do you use?
I use a Minolta 8 megapixel digital camera which I use the most. I have toyed with the idea of getting an SLR digital but I am not actually sure I would use it much, as the Minolta is so handy and small.
What do you most love about scrapping?
The creative outlet it provides. I like making things and making them look pretty and scrapbooking is one of the things I do to get this ‘out of my system’. I also like the way I can record memories and use my photos creatively, rather than just leave them on a PC or a photo album. I also really enjoy meeting people through crops and sharing our hobby.
Which tool or gadget couldn’t you live without?
I have very, very few tools and gadgets as I’ve been scrapping for a long time and always managed without all the fancy gear! I do love my MM trimmer though and I definitely can’t live without my Zig pens, which I use all the time to journal. And of course my adhesives - can't do much without them.
What technique haven’t you given a go yet?
Anything to do with stitching, fabric or getting my hands dirty. I also don’t use my PC much for scrapbooking, I guess it’s because I’m all about getting pages done quickly and simply and these techniques just take too much time and extra equipment.
Have you tried digital or hybrid scrapping?
I had a little dabble and while it does appeal – especially because I do spend a lot of time with my PC – I think I’m just too attached to the real thing. Besides, I have got too much stash and I need to use it! Maybe I will give digital a try again a bit further down the line but I don't think it is for me.
Tell us a scrapping secret!
I am probably the only scrapper in the world that still attaches eyelets with a hammer! I just can’t justify getting myself a new gadget when my old tools still work just fine...