Disneyland 1/2 marathon: 9 weeks to go...

Apart from the fact that the practical issues of travelling now need addressing (mainly transport, accommodation and how many park tickets do I need?) I have also stepped up the training and started ramping up the mileage.
It has been a challenge as there are always things that get in the way of a scheduled run (such as illness, work, weather, forgetfulness and, why not, laziness) but as the date looms closer and closer, these issues somehow become smaller and the need to pound the asphalt for a couple of hours becomes larger.
So the training is going as well as it could. The travel planning is also coming together. What about the fundraising?

So I am begging for donations now. My JustGiving page looks a bit empty right now so won’t you help me get started? Any amount is welcome as a little goes a long way for some of the neediest children in the world. I may not be able to take them all to Disneyland with me but at least I can bring a little hope and dreams into their lives by helping them get the basics that they desperately lack.

Please, please, please give me as much or as little as you can and help me help UNICEF continue with the amazing work they do. The children of the world will be eternally grateful.