Gamesmaker orientation - fantastically motivating
Two weeks after Module 1 of my role-specific training I attended
Gamesmaker Orientation in Wembley Arena. I knew this one would be different
because every gamesmaker, regardless of role, has to attend one of these
sessions. I anticipated there would be a lot of people there, as it was being
held in Wembley Arena and as before, I looked forward to the day but with a
little trepidation as the last event had left me a bit unsure and concerned.
I had to be at Wembley Arena quite early on a Sunday
morning, which meant up very early in order to get on the train to get down
there. However, overnight on the Saturday we got a large amount of snow so I worried
about trains running at all. Adding to this I overslept on the Sunday morning
which meant I basically got up, got dressed quicker than ever and left my house
with barely a goodbye. Luckily for me the roads were basically clear (thank you
gritters!) and I made it to the train station with a minute to spare.

Once inside the arena it was pretty overwhelming to be in
the same room with so many gamesmakers. Before long the show started and YES it
was a show! We had Jonathan Edwards as our host, and he introduced a number of
people from LOCOG, all doing their very best to motivate us and thank us for
helping out. There was a little fashion show where we got to see the uniforms,
there were competitions, there was a fantastic routine by Eddie Izzard and a
lot of love (and chocolate) in the room.

To say that I skipped out of Wembley would be an
understatement – well, I did try to skip but the snow and ice on the ground
made it unsafe, so I actually didn’t. I was full of excitement, energy and I just
couldn’t wait for the summer to put on my gamesmaker uniform and make history!