CHA releases to die for?

It’s that time of year again when the manufacturers bring out all their new stuff and try to make us part with even more money: yup, it’s CHA time!

I must admit that the only reason I noticed is that online scrapping forums are full of links to blogs and such that mention some of the new goodies that will be available for us scrapbookers to buy.

Perhaps because I work in marketing, perhaps because I’m a tightwad or perhaps because I’ve been scrapping too long but... none of these things are making me terribly excited or even mildly interested. They mainly look like gadgets and gizmos designed more to part me from my money than to solve a problem or design issue. Or, they are the same old thing as is already available except that it’s in a different color. Nothing that is making my heart beat faster or anything. Even the designs and color schemes don’t seem that new anymore.

My purely personal opinion is that manufacturers are becoming more complacent and business focussed and less creative. It’s all about the money and how they can make the same old look like something new so that scrappers buy it. And let me tell you – I’m usually a marketers’ dream and will buy something just because it’s got a cool box! So for these new things to leave me cold is unusual and symptomatic of something deeper going on.

So I’m kind of pleased – I don’t feel that I want to buy anything and, as I have plenty of stash already, I probably don’t need to anyway.


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