Running in a skirt? YES!
As most of my readers know (and if you don’t – here’s a catch-up ) I was doing a lot of running last year, preparing for the WDW marathon , my first ever. I won’t cover old ground but training for such an event brought its own special kinds of challenges: physical of course but also time challenges (trying to fit all the training runs in, while still living my life), weather challenges (I run in the UK, enough said), and clothing challenges. YES, clothes. Before I decided to sign up for this race I had been to the gym before but never really run. So I had a lot of jog pants and guy tops and stuff like that, that just isn’t suitable for running, especially outside. So little by little I purchased bits and bobs to build up a pretty respectable running wardrobe. However, the girls training for the same thing over in the US kept talking about ‘ running skirts ’ in the forums at . I followed a few of the links they gave, had a look and thought that they indeed looked cute...