Who does she look like?
When babies are born, there are a lot of surprises: date of birth, the baby's gender and who does she look like? In Jessica's case we already knew she was a girl and when she'd be born (and even roughly her weight!) so the main surprise is who does she look like? Everyone has taken the question quite seriously and there have been lively debates to try and settle the issue. It seems that everyone has different opinions, depending mainly on which side of the family you're in.
Just in case you've already forgotten what a cutie she is, this is a photo of my little girl Jessica:
Everyone thinks she looks just like I did when I was a baby. What do you think? To help you along, here is a photo of me as a baby:
Other than the obvious hair color (and the fact that we're both infants in the photos) I really can't see the similarities. I actually think that Jessica is the spitting image of her brother Samuel when he was a baby:
What do you think? Is she like me or like Samuel?
Just in case you've already forgotten what a cutie she is, this is a photo of my little girl Jessica:
