
I turned 39 this year. (don't worry - this isn't an 'OMG I'm nearly 40 post... that will come another time!) Shortly after my birthday I must have been bored or something because I realized that with that number I could neatly divide my life into thirds. What's more, the whole of the last third is my life in the UK, as I've been living here 13 years. So surely there is a blog post in there, right? I've been thinking about this for far longer than I care to admit so yes, I guess there is a blog post in this numerical curiosity... So what about the other two thirds of my life? Well, the first one is probably what is considered the formative years: birth to 13 year old. The stuff that happened then is the usual growing up stuff, you know... it is still fairly impressive that in a relatively short time one goes from a helpless infant into a somewhat opinionated pre-teen but I can hardly be the only one! So let's say that those first years happened and quickl...