More marathon layouts... part two
Here are a few more layouts from my marathon album...
As I mentioned before, I tried to bring the sunrise colors into my album as I progressed through the course so here is a great example:

We're getting close to the Magic Kingdom and the excitement is high - and so are the colors.

What a great race... sure, there are more prestigious marathons but how many let you see Woody and Jack Sparrow?

The whole album does have a lot of journaling because I actually don't have that many photos (I carried a disposable so only had 26 shots that had to last the whole race). Besides there are a lot of thoughts and emotions I want to remember and this layout is a good example. I knew that The Wall was out there somewhere around mile 20 and it was also a possibly quite boring part of the course - with a long out and back on a straight road. In the end I didn't meet any 'walls' and the out and back was quite interesting so I wanted to be able to recall this.

Ahh, finally in The Studios and our final park... I kept the colors really bright for this section as the sun was blazing above and emotions were running really, really high.

Meanwhile, my boys were getting a little bored, especially Samuel. I was slowing down because I was hot and tired and I guess he was too, so David let him take some photos. He took the weird photo on the left of the yellow cone as viewed from above!

Don't let the smile fool you - I was exhausted and didn't really need to go all the way around World Showcase now as I just wanted to finish. So Aladdin and Jasmine gave me a great excuse to stop and catch my breath!

It's always hard for me to do a good job on layouts that matter the most so I'm not sure I did justice to this one below - the finish is a VERY important part of the race of course!

Another all-journaling layout trying to capture some of the emotion of the end of the race... and also trying to make up for the fact that my official medal photo has gone AWOL : (

I haven't yet finished but I'm practically there. I am really quite proud of the album but that's probably because this whole marathon thing has been absolutely special for me, and I want to make sure that I capture all that emotion. Plus I still have a lot of stash to use!
As I mentioned before, I tried to bring the sunrise colors into my album as I progressed through the course so here is a great example:
We're getting close to the Magic Kingdom and the excitement is high - and so are the colors.
What a great race... sure, there are more prestigious marathons but how many let you see Woody and Jack Sparrow?
The whole album does have a lot of journaling because I actually don't have that many photos (I carried a disposable so only had 26 shots that had to last the whole race). Besides there are a lot of thoughts and emotions I want to remember and this layout is a good example. I knew that The Wall was out there somewhere around mile 20 and it was also a possibly quite boring part of the course - with a long out and back on a straight road. In the end I didn't meet any 'walls' and the out and back was quite interesting so I wanted to be able to recall this.
Ahh, finally in The Studios and our final park... I kept the colors really bright for this section as the sun was blazing above and emotions were running really, really high.
Meanwhile, my boys were getting a little bored, especially Samuel. I was slowing down because I was hot and tired and I guess he was too, so David let him take some photos. He took the weird photo on the left of the yellow cone as viewed from above!
Don't let the smile fool you - I was exhausted and didn't really need to go all the way around World Showcase now as I just wanted to finish. So Aladdin and Jasmine gave me a great excuse to stop and catch my breath!
It's always hard for me to do a good job on layouts that matter the most so I'm not sure I did justice to this one below - the finish is a VERY important part of the race of course!
Another all-journaling layout trying to capture some of the emotion of the end of the race... and also trying to make up for the fact that my official medal photo has gone AWOL : (
I haven't yet finished but I'm practically there. I am really quite proud of the album but that's probably because this whole marathon thing has been absolutely special for me, and I want to make sure that I capture all that emotion. Plus I still have a lot of stash to use!
BTW. LOve your profile piccy! Must have been taken by a talented friend!!!