Giving thanks

Although I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving as they do over in the
I’m grateful that my family and I are healthy and well. It’s so easy to forget that not everyone is so lucky and that we take health for granted most of the time.
I’m grateful for my friends, both near and far, because I think that whenever I need someone to talk to I can usually find someone. I am also grateful for the tools that make it possible for me to easily be in touch with people that are physically very far (or that I’ve never met!) but are close to my heart.
Almost every day I give thanks for my son, who is (most of the time); a very good boy and I know that he will go far. I hope his sister has the same sweet disposition and gentle personality (or at least isn’t a screaming diva, gosh how I’m dreading that!)
I’m thankful because we seem to be doing okay even with all this talk of economic meltdown all over the place. We made some lucky choices a little while ago and that appears to be working out just fine.
I’m very grateful to be able to make my own choices and be free. I’m thankful for a happy life and my two amazing boys. I’m thankful for being happy and to sometimes be able to make others happy.
I’m thankful for peanut butter sandwiches, weekend lie-ins and fresh flowers. I’m thankful for kind words, chocolate brownies and pepperoni pizzas. I’m thankful for being able to express my creativity by making pretty things or writing in this blog. I’m thankful for the chances I get to run outside in the sunshine, which gives me energy and an excuse to buy more running skirts.
I’m grateful to have experienced some amazing places in my life and for the hope that I will get to know some more in the future. I’m thankful for being who I am and for the memories I have made along the years.
In short, I am very thankful for all those things that make up my life.